Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.
Nicholas Sparks
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Today's quote
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Think Positive Be Positive
Let nothing trouble you
Norman Vincent Peale
Miracles come in moments
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes later becomes never
The best remedy for those who are afraid
Anne Frank
Honesty is the first chapter
Thomas Jefferson
Whether one believes in a religion or...
Dalai Lama
It is very important to generate a good...
Dalai Lama
If you want to be happy, be
Leo Tolstoy
When you love someone, you love the person...
Leo Tolstoy
Other quotes
Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow.
I would rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep...
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done...
There are as many kinds of love as there are flowers and bugs put together...
Be a Warrior not a Worrier.
May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.
Whatever the past has been, you have a spotless future.
The way get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
You learn more from failure than from success. Do not let it stop you....
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Christmas is not about candy canes, or lights all aglow, it is the hearts...
A nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for...
Every man’s happiness is his own responsibility.
Just knowing someone’s always going to be honest and tell the truth,...
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
Let your dream devour your life, not your life devour your dream.
Replace the fear of the unknown with curiosity.
Be Educated, Be Organised and Be Agitated.
Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.
The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all...
The true spirit of Christmas is love.
I never ‘worry’ about action, but only about inaction.
Different is beautiful. Dare to be different.
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