Sometimes there is no next time, no timeouts, and no second chances. Sometimes it is NOW or never.
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Today's quote
What is your quote for today?
Think Positive Be Positive
Goals are like magnets
Anthony Robbins
Believe in yourself
Norman Vincent Peale
Let nothing trouble you
Norman Vincent Peale
My philosophy is kindness
Dalai Lama
If you can survive 11 days in cramped...
Oprah Winfrey
The highest possible stage in moral...
Charles Darwin
Gifts of time and love
History is merely gossip
Oscar Wilde
Christmas is for everyone, adults and...
Julie Hébert
Other quotes
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
Life is short there is no time to leave important words unsaid.
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth - not going all...
Your life is not yours if you constantly care what others think.
Every day is a fresh start.
I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the...
Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful...
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
Life gives you lots of chances to screw up, which means you have just as...
We know what we are, but know not what we may be.
Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.
When we recall Christmas past we usually find that the simplest things, not...
You are right from your side, I am right from mine.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually...
You only fail when you stop trying.
You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on...
Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The...
I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else.
Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the...
Small changes eventually add up to huge results.
You are closer than you were yesterday.
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